The GORSINATOR is powered by the hydraulic system of the Prime Mover which for now is a Mini Loader skid steer machine which has a system pressure of 180 Bar (2610 psi).
The mini loader moves the GORSINATOR around via the main arms of the loader and it's attachment mounting.
With the jaws of the GORSINATOR open the machine operator positions the jaws either side of the stem or trunk of the gorse plant and places the base plate of the main frame of the GORSINATOR on the ground.
Gripping force of 3497 to 741 kgs
The jaws of the GORSINATOR which have serrated teeth and are made from toughened steel are closed with a hydraulic cylinder which grips the gorse plant.
While the jaws are gripping the gorse plant a second hydraulic cylinder which has an output force of over 5800 kg, pushes down on a tilt box mechanism which pulls the gorse out of the ground.
The main arms of the loader are raised which lifts everything up clear of the ground. The loader is driven to suitable location in the paddock and the gorse can be dumped in a pile to be burnt later.
Lifting force of 3494 to 1750 kgs. All this force occurs within the confines of the GORSINATOR which is why a small skid steer can be used as the prime mover.
It is recommended to let the gorse dry out a bit and then burn it. Piling up several small piles of extracted gorse is best for burning for ease of control of the fire. Gorse burns very hot because of it's oil content and produces a lot of radiant heat so it's imperative that safe burning practices are followed in accordance with the laws of your locality and in line with what your local fire authorities recommend.
Gorse burns really well but it does not burn for long.
Then what do I do with my land?
The reason I feel the GORSINATOR and pulling gorse out of the ground is the best method for gorse control is because by pulling it out you now have control over your land. Grow a grass to feed animals or plant native vegetation. A gorse thicket is just gorse and nothing else so your land was in effect wasteland.
If you have 10 acres of land and 2 acres of it is a thicket of gorse you actually have 8 acres of land. If you were to sell your property is this what you want to say to a potential purchaser?
Instead of a gorse thicket if you plant native flora you'll create a native ecosystem instead of having an invasive weed infestation which was only good for providing habitat for feral animals.
About the only good thing gorse does is stabilise the ground so it's important that something is regrown to stop your soil from being eroded away.
A gorse thicket leaves behind thousands of seeds in the ground which will germinate so it's also important to poison or pull out the new growth. See the FAQ's page for what I see as being the drawbacks with other methods of gorse control.
Will the gorse re-shoot from the roots?
No, not according to the three Botanists I sought advice from.
When the GORSINATOR pulls gorse out of the ground the upper part of the root structure is also removed. In this upper region of the roots there is a system of biological cells called the Meristem. Think of this as the stem cells of the plant which can generate new growth. For this reason gorse will not regrow from the roots that are left behind.
Pulling out gorse gives you your land back to use how you want to. Cultivate the soil, sow a grass of some sort to feed your animals and always poison the new Gorse that grows or pull it out with the GORSINATOR.